To transform our community to embrace the intrinsic value of all human life.
"Zoe" means life. Not just the breath in our lungs but the overflowing fullness of vigorous life. Life in abundance. Our desire is to work alongside local Christian churches to transform the community where life is celebrated and the abundant life found in Christ is experienced by all.
OUr mission: Serving & SUPPORT
To provide life-affirming services and support with the love and grace of Jesus Christ so that all human lives may flourish.
Where the love of Christ is, there is opportunity for life, not just for the pre-born but for the parents as well. We serve as unto Christ with the love and grace He has given us, to help show people the "zoe" life that our Master brings so that individuals, parents, and children may flourish.
OUr core values: honoring
In everything, we strive to honor and serve our Lord Jesus Christ and the people He has entrusted to our care. We do this by embodying these core values in all that we do.
We believe in the intrinsic value of all human life and desire all experience life abundantly.
We follow the truth in all that we do and speak truth in love.
We desire to be a place free from judgment, a safe place where everyone is accepted and served regardless of their past or present.
We work together to give the very best for our patients in all that we do.
We are committed to the local Body of Christ and to strengthening the broader community by investing into individuals and families.