a blessing for new moms

As any mom or dad straight from the hospital with their newborn can attest, a fresh, homemade meal delivered to the home is a tremendous blessing. Meals4Moms provides meals for ZoeCare patients coming home for the first time with their newborn.

Here's how it works:

  • Interested patients sign up at their ZoeCare appointment or through their mentor
  • ZoeCare contacts them near their due date to confirm start date for meals
  • The ZoeCare Mom2Mom Director sends the church liaison for a local church the MealTrain link for the patient
  • The church liaison enlists people within their church to make meals for the new mom and they sign up for different days through the specific MealTrain link
  • The meal maker from the church delivers the meal to the new mom's home on their specific day

The new mom will know what church is helping her and will receive an invitation to attend the church's services. Meals4Moms covers two weeks worth of meals, delivered every other day (total number of meals: 10 per mom).

This ministsry to moms (and dads) provides a blessing to a new family and promotes involvement with the Body of Christ. To make Meals4Moms work, ZoeCare needs church liaisons in the churches to act the bridge between our Mom2Mom Director and the church. Will you consider being a church liaison?