mentoring new moms
Mom2Mom is a mentoring program developed to support and encourage a young pregnant woman, and to affirm her decision to choose life. Our goal is to have the body of Christ come alongside these young women with the goal of giving her confidence, teaching her the knowledge and skills she will need as a parent, and giving her a hope for the future. Choosing life is only the beginning. At ZoeCare, we want to demonstrate compassion, grace and practical support to the pregnant teen or single mom. Through Mom2Mom, we can walk alongside her in the pregnancy, and encourage and equip her to be the best mom she can be.
You are invited to come alongside and support these women in their decision to choose life. We need support through prayer, financial gifts, and donations of gently used baby clothes and baby supplies for the women who participate in Mom2Mom. We also need female volunteers who are compassionate Christians who can commit to meeting a new young mom once every other week throughout the pregnancy. Volunteer training and support is provided.
What to help? Become a mentor!
OB Ultrasounds
86% of women who see an ultrasound image of their unborn child choose life.
Pregnancy Tests
ZoeCare is with new moms from the beginning of their journey.
STI/STD Testing & Treatment
Undiagnosed STDs cause infertility in about 24,000 women per year in the U.S.
Sweet Cheeks: diaper ministry
Providing free diapers to patients for six months.
The church providing meals for new moms home with their newborns.
45North: Relationship Training
Relationship training in the public schools and churches.
churches: prograce training
Three part training to help churches take steps to cultivate a culture of life.
churches: safe harbor
Learn to minister effectively to those in the church facing unplanned pregnancy.
churches: embrace grace
Loving on pregnant, single women and teaching them about God's love.
Support for new moms through their pregnancy by older, experienced mothers.
Fighting fatherlessness by building good fathers through one-on-one relationships.
Abortion Aftercare
Finding healing and wholeness from the effects of abortion in a loving, compassionate setting.